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The Xbox360 exceeded my expectations. I bought it first day and I never ever regret it. I expected good games and I got them. I didn't expect something like Xbox Live Arcade, Video on Demand, Gamerscore (which I don't care about though), and with the new Xbox experience, things will look better and better.

The Wii is a disappointment for me. I am a Nintendo fan. I don't have a Gamecube, so I was really looking forward to play a new Zelda with a great HD-graphics. The next Nintendo with great hardware and the ability to play my games with a regular controller, will be mine. I want Zelda! But not this generation. Played the Wii just a couple of times and never liked it. Games seem to be too childish for me. It is just not my taste.

PS3 was simply a big LOL for the first 18 months. There is still just one exclusive game (MGS4) that looks really nice. But the genre isn't my taste. I am not a stealth fan at all. But if I were, this game would be great for me. So there is still not one single game I would love to play. Uncharted looks decent, but nothing special. I guess the right time to buy a PS3 is still 10 months away. This is no flame, but the PS3 just doesn't appeal to me right now. Maybe some time in the future.

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