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Worlds: Pixar worlds, or at leasy Toy Story. (FTW) Sword in the Stone, Hunchback of Notre Dame. And most importantly, Robin Hood. And less duplicating worlds, at least 5 worlds in KH2 we'd been to before out of 10 Disney Worlds, and one wasn't even such (Little Mermaid).

FF characters: More FF8 then just Squall, all the other 5 main ones really...Just more characters, the one we have are just FF7 or don't fight you in the Colleseum. Be great to be able to fight in the colleseum more FF characters, XII characters included. And do adult versions of the island FF characters.

Battle system from 2 was fine just make it a little harder. And less dependence on Sora so, if a person wants they can just sit back and watch Donald and Goofy take the enemies down. FF summons as summons, not like disney summons that stay but are one off animations that do a lot of one off damage.

New and great voice actors like previous games, on PS3 and most importantly...

No Roxas or any character that looks like him, there is a reason he wasn't meant to exist in the first place. He's crap.

Hmm, pie.