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StarcraftManiac said:

Am I disappointed with Nintendo overall? No, definitely not.

Am I disappointed about how Nintendo is performing right now? Yes!

Why? I think Nintendo could do so much better and is able to deliver way better hardware and peripherals then they are right now. For example; The lack of memory, while offering VC-games and promising other downloadable content from the start... That's just a plain error in thinking ahead. And furthermore; They could have offered some better specs for 250 euro's. Not that I care that much about the graphics. I think last-gen was looking fine on that front if done correctly. However, considering the price (as in value of the object vs pricepoint) they could have upped the ante a little.

Also, I think it's great that Wii is selling great thanks to the Casuallzzz... But Nintendo cannot lose focus on the ones that kept them in this business for the last two generations. I really don't give a fuck about Captain Rainbow, Wii play, Wii Sports Resorts, DogZZZ, Game Party and Fuckin My HorseZ and Me. When looking back at it, Nintendo was at their best with creating original, but still hardcore games during 2003-2005 in the Gamecube-days.

Metroid Prime is awesome, Zelda The Windwaker is Awesome, Eternal Darkness is awesome, Pikmin is awesome, Sunshine is, in my opinion, awesome, Paper mario 2 is awesome and lots more games back then kick-ass too! Not that Nintendo is performing badly right now... You still have your Zelda, Mario, Metroid and Super Smash Bros on Wii... But there´s just a lack of those titles coming out Right Now and a lack of original titles like Eternal Darkness or Geist or fuckin Baten Kaitos for that matter... And that´s because they are too busy making Casualzzz titles... I still love my Wii and Nintendo... But another part of it I dislike, kind-of. And that hasn't always been that way.

I agree specifically with GameCube being Nintendo's hieght to be honest other then Super Nintendo the GameCube saw more origional looking software then ever before in Nintendo history. Even the NES didn't see that much origionality in games. Mario on NES was like Mario on 64 except for 3D being added. Zelda was an amazing game from NES to 64 but Nintendo came out with WindWaker and blew us all away with origional gameplay that kicked serious but. Then theirs Pikmin and all the other great games Nintendo made for Wii.

I got used to buying one first party high quality Nintendo game each month on my GameCube. Almost every month without fail their was a great new game to buy. When new games stopped (During summer) Nintendo had always provided to many to keep up buying them all so I would buy one I missed during those months.

I want Nintendo to go back to creating one or two solid first party titles a month. No not filler like Mario Baseball I'm talking BattalionWars,Pikmin, Geist , Eternal Darkness, Donkey Kong, StarFox, Mario , Zelda or one of the dozens of other great games Nintendo has to offer. Even new franchises would be great to see. Just not months where Nintendo has no first party title coming out!



"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer