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ZenfoldorVGI said:

You guys are out of your depth.

If true, Bale is the best pick to play the part, but suggesting David Hayter? Yeah, and we can get Fabio to play Thor. Jesus Christ.

Kurt Wimmer is set to direct this. He directed the godaweful Ultraviolet recently, but he also directed a great movie starring Bale called Equilibrium. I'm sure it's too much to ask if anyone here has actually seen the movie(or any movie apparently), since most of you can't even spell the word "Christian," but I've learned to lower my expectations.

Your MGS movie, that you laughably think you are qualified to comment on, had no validity, and was destined to suck bigtime. However, Bale adds some much needed credibility to the project and his last work with the director was quite good, though it was much less mainstream as all of you know, having never seen anything that wasn't mainstream and most stuff that is.

In a time when the only cure to ignorance, is having a 3rd party lay out a short and easy to read essay explaining everything you need to know, I dunno what I expected, but for god sake, I at least hoped a few of you would know enough to realize that Bale playing Snake is the best possible thing that could happen to this project.

I would recommend several films to prove it to you, but those don't come in summary clips, so I'm sure you wouldn't have the attention span to actually watch one of them. I'll just say, fyi, Bale didn't get famous because of Batman, unless you don't even have a passing knowledge of the film industry.

That was douche-tastic.

But mostly true.


As in go buy us some coffee.