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Sephiroth357 said:
chasmatic12 said:
Sephiroth357 said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
bbsin said:

is this a joke? Resistance isn't even in the same league as the other two. I'd pick Zelda out of the three.

Halo for damn sure isn't in the same league as Zelda, lol.

I don't know why you woul consider Halo way above Resistance though. What makes Halo so much better? Resistance 2 will probably be better than any of the 3 Halo games.



 Sales. Hence, in terms of average sales Halo is better than both.

Why are you comparing the sales of a game/series to its quality? It makes no sense... Are you trying to tell me that Okami sucks ass? Or that Team Ico's games are terrible?

Regarding Halo-to-Zelda sales:

It is imperative that you keep in mind that during the release of many Zelda games, the gaming industry was a fraction of the size that it is now. Also, Zelda games have spanned across 5 (check) consoles and 3 (check again) handhelds. For every Zelda fan to have all 8 gaming devices would be pretty spectacular. Halo games have been on 2 consoles, so keeping up with the games is much easier.


Xbox sold more than NES? Good one. Anyways, heres the definiton of better for you. It's funny how many of you jump to conslusion without knowing the meaning of better.

Better:Greater or larger

In terms of sales both games aren't all that great.

If Zelda was so "great" wouldn't most of thier fans buy every Nintendo systems?

I never said Xbox sales>NES sales. Xbox+Playstation+Gamecube>All systems in that time. The industry is bigger now. Advertising is much more popular. Gaming is becoming mainstream.

And no, not everyone in the world can afford every Nintendo system.