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GUys I'm free :D if I'm back that means there gone finally :) yayyyyyy I'll finish digimon now(long story I'll tell you about it someday.)
Anyway the bosses aren't hard if you do it a billion times I could actually beat 6 of them with 0 percent without using hearts easily,from the six one's the bosses are faster and stronger.Toon link ftw.Remenber the most important thing is to learn the patterns of the bosses.Here  are some tips:

Petey:This guy is really easy just jump when he is going to hit you and use short hops. I actually use short hops instead of down A sometimes.There was another way if you are just starting what you can do is to spam projectiles and hit the cages and then escape and repeat the process this will take alot of time so I recommend to do the first method.

Porkey:Some people think he is the hardest since his attacks are random but if you are using toon link this will be really easy just spam down A and you'll beat him easily(Never touch the floor if you do so he'll be able to hit you.)

Galleom:I hate him so much since short hops don't work well against him instead just use down A and and since you've already learn his pattern just dodge his attacks(never shield.)

Master and crazy hand:Easier than petey rather spam short hops or down A there is only one attack from them that is hard the one the one when they become some sort of drill the best way to evade it is to go out of the stage and them come back.

Rayquaza:I hate this m*ther f*cker so much damn. All you have to do is dogde his attack and spam down A but if he turns out to be the six or higher then he'll be faster and stronger. I consider him one of the hardest.

Ridley:I used to find him hard at the beggining but the easiest way to encounter him is by spamming up A and then repeat the process until he dies.

Meta Ridley:This guy rocks :D he is really easy for me just spam short hops no need for down A and dogde his attacks. I had already learn the pattern since I beat him on very hard before.

Duon:One of my most hated bosses.Actually he is in tie with rayquaza on who I hate the most in this fight you can't spam down A.I use to encounter him with proyectiles but the way to fight him is to dodge his attacks and spam short hops and use his rocket's against him.

Tabuu:*sigh* contrary to the popular believe tabuu isn't the toughest but since his most of his attacks are predictable and easy to dodge.Once you are able to survive the rrod he is just a small little kid waiting to get a beat up.The easiest way is either spot dodge or roll I eventually did it by rolling(rolling ftw :D).

Anyway I'll post this on other sites too if anyone is needing help.Note it will take awhile to beat so you can learn the post patterns.I thought I would never beat it but I just kept on trying.You know what's the reward for beating it no it's not the trophy it's that you'll never have to see those losers again :D