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1.) Zelda--I hate people who only pick her and change to Sheik as soon as the match begins (more so in Melee). No offense or anything, but Zelda stands her ground as a great character. She has powerful smash attacks, elbeit slightly slow, but then again, she is more of a defensive character than anything. She has a reflective move with Din's Love along with a great (adn very linear) up-B which teleports her across far distances. Her best attack is her Lightning Kick. It has high knock-back force. Landing it can be quite difficult but it kills at low-percentages. Her final smash is also one of the best as it can strike out multiples foes across a linear path with her Light Arrows. And if anything, you have to Sheik--an entire other character--to help you out in tough (and fast-paced) situations.

2.)R.O.B.--Along with C. Olimar, he's one of the newest and most underrated characters in Brawl. While landing a killer blow can be difficult, he's great at putting up gradual damage. He has a loading-attack--his spinning disk--which you load and throw to enemies. It can kill at decent percentages as it has good knock-back and his beam, which is more powerful the less you use it, adds a deadly surprise to the battle. It's best used when an opponent is near the edge. His down-smash, which causes him to spin, similar to Peach's down-smash is also a great advantage, as it pulls deceptively pulls opponents inward and racks up good damage. He also has great recovery that leaves other characters feeling envious. People fail to appreciate the awesomeness of R.O.B.'s final smash. He throws a short-ranged beam that lasts a good 15-20 seconds, damaging anyone who comes close to him. But what people dont notice is that after every few seconds, he throws a smaller, more powerful beam, that litterally sends his opponents flying to their deaths. It's so small that it's bearly visible to people who dont know much of R.O.B.

But yeah, those, to me, are the best characters in the game. But most people like Ike, MK, Pit, and Fox which are a lot more aggressive. But it doesnt mean they're more deadly. Nothing beats a patient fighter, remember that...


Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy