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Sephiroth357 said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
bbsin said:

is this a joke? Resistance isn't even in the same league as the other two. I'd pick Zelda out of the three.

Halo for damn sure isn't in the same league as Zelda, lol.

I don't know why you woul consider Halo way above Resistance though. What makes Halo so much better? Resistance 2 will probably be better than any of the 3 Halo games.



 Sales. Hence, in terms of average sales Halo is better than both.

Why are you comparing the sales of a game/series to its quality? It makes no sense... Are you trying to tell me that Okami sucks ass? Or that Team Ico's games are terrible?

Regarding Halo-to-Zelda sales:

It is imperative that you keep in mind that during the release of many Zelda games, the gaming industry was a fraction of the size that it is now. Also, Zelda games have spanned across 5 (check) consoles and 3 (check again) handhelds. For every Zelda fan to have all 8 gaming devices would be pretty spectacular. Halo games have been on 2 consoles, so keeping up with the games is much easier.