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colonelstubbs said:
Beja-Beja said:
Stupidest question only aimed at starting a flame War. First of All Resistance has only had one game so you cant compare it to the other major series. And Halo and Zelda are completley different from each other.

Zelda of course though i do not condone blatantly stupid threads such as this.
I give all Zeldas a 9/10
All Halos a 8.5/10
and Resistance 1 a 9/10

You think Resistance 1 is a 9/10? Seriously?

Wow. You must have really enjoyed it. I found it full of unrealised potential, worthy of a 7.5 at best


I absolutely love Resistance, it will be the first time I buy a Collector's edition, I look forward to the novel, and the comic, and think Ratchet and Clank deserve a Saturday morning cartoon.

On Topic I would rate Zelda higher than Resistance but I have to count Zelda 2 and all those Phillip CD craps.