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no. the price cut will only have effect for a few weeks, like when they reduced the pro 20 to bring in the 60 version, then sony will be back on top, sales may increase slightly after the few weeks spike and thats it, the price cut s evidence that microsoft is loosing momentum like last week sales of the 360 were at 98,000 if you chaeck for the 23rd of august on vg chartz. it also prooves that they know that they will come in 3rd place and are desperate to stay in the fight.


PS3 Trophies

DS: 120,000,000; Wii: 60,000,000; Xbox 360: 38,000,000; PlayStation 3: 34,000,000; PlayStation Portable: 60,000,000

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E