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It is a good point. If the Wii wins next console Nintendo will need to come up with something new since they can't just improve the graphics. They could but that won't drag people in anymore.

Of course then again maybe it will. I mean I'm pretty biased on the matter.

To sound like a crazy game developer or two to me graphics are like a weapon. They make one of two exactly even games better. The weapon thing comes in from an old movie. A Conan movie I want to say.

Conan or whoever is standing there facing down another warrior who says "You're better but only because you've got the legendary sword". Conan says back "Weapons don't make the Warrior." "But a weapon will make the difference between to equal warriors." and conan shoots back "There are no equal Warriors".

Which even with games like Madden which are multi-platform it really isn't because the rest of the hardware matters. For example I know a few couple girls who really like the PS2 and Gamecube but wouldn't go near a 360 because of the gigantic controllers.

For me it's never been about the graphics, for me to buy a system it has to show me it can make better games then the ones i'm already playing.