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Coca-Cola said:
Price cut has begun in NA.
amazon is selling a lot of 360 stuff now.
Japan is excited about the price cut, so I believe 360 will outsell PS3 during the holidays.

Ps3 will have to wait a little longer to catch up to 360.


    Selling a lot of 360 stuff now?  The PS3 and Wii are constantly in the top 10 (sometimes one or the other is number one, but usually games are) and the 360 has just BARELY gotten on to the first page at number 25 behind the Lancer for Gears of War 2.  The 360 will not win even in NA, it doesn't have the games, the momentum or anything other then price.  Remember when the gamecube dropped the price to 99 dollars (which the PS2 STILL hasn't done) and it didn't outsell the PS2?


   Smartest move for Sony, NOT dropping the PS3 and losing money hand over first again (its the same price as the elite atm and superior, thats a fine price point) but dropping the price of the PS2 to 99 dollars.  That will nip casual not a lot of money gamers going to the 360 in the bud.  Also a lot of the big games (Madden, Force Unleashed ect) are coming to the PS2 as always, so its not like gamers not looking to step up to the PS3 won't have plenty to do on the PS2.  The PS2 not the PS3 is Sony's best weapon against bargain basement pricing of the 360.  I guarantee you they still would make money on ever PS2 sale at 99 dollars.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me