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I think some people are being motivated by the propaganda aspect of this game rather then the game itself. A game should be good for you not good for your console. When a game is real good most reviewers will score it quite high. When a game is average it will cover the spread. When a game is bad most reviewers will score it bad. You cannot will a game to be fantastic. This is probably a average game the fact that the scores can shift so much is a testament to that.

Where exactly is the bias in these reviews well it is the tastes of the reviewer not to a particular console. Remember they get to play on all these consoles for free. They have likes and they have dislikes in gaming that is it. A good rule of thumb is to determine exactly what those differences are. Now if your a hardcore player you should give more weight to their words. They are very much like you playing a lot of games. However if you are a casual player you can probably give a score a upwards bump. I always make allowances myself for reviews. I do not have to curve a lot, but I always have to allow some curve.

I remember a few years back the staff at EGM rating Star Wars Galaxies for the PC. This was a game I was playing and enjoying. They gave it a pretty harsh review. They had valid points. However some of the things they saw as negatives were things I saw as positives. Were they wrong no they were not, but I had to accept that our tastes differed. Especially since the genre was not something they were fans of to begin with. The review was very biased towards a console player viewpoint. Which is not would I would have liked the game to have been.

However I would prefer a reviewer to be harsh in their judgments. Rather then play it soft of pander to me. I do not need to be vindicated by a reviewer. I need them to serve as a watch dog. I need to know what is wrong rather then get a rosy picture. One of those wrong things might be a major turn off for me. I might end up wasting money only to find out that the camera control blows.