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Stof, I'm quite sorry to hear about your father. I'm very glad that you're getting to spend some fun time with him while he's sick.

On a side note, how long do they say he has? The reason I ask is because being able to enjoy your life - truly ENJOY it - is proven to be one of the best medicines you can find.

I honestly would not be surprised if he outlives the doctors' expectations thanks to the Wii.

I'm not meaning to give undue hope (I'd hate to get your hopes up for something like that happening, then he ends up going two days later =/), but that IS something that you may possibly experience. Happiness is one of the best gifts and medicines one can ever have, and it sounds like your father is being able to appreciate that in these last days.

One thing you may want to consider - go to Blockbuster/Hollywood Video/whatever, and rent some other games. Does he like fishing? Get a Wii fishing game. Maybe rent Excite Truck or something else. Find games that he'd be able to enjoy, and spend time with him doing all sorts of stuff like that.

I try thinking what I'd do if I were in your shoes, and I think, "If I were there, and my dad ended up passing away, I'd want to be able to look back and have no regrets." I'd want to look back and have some of my best memories with my father be those that I had with him in his final days.

Again, terribly sorry that you have to go through this, and my prayers are with you all. God bless.
