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"Obama is also in support of things such as raising the minimum wage which the only thing that does is keep the poorest people making minimum wage at the same level do to inflation but makes everyone else poorer because we don't get a pay raise and the inflation still hurts us as well, it's pretty much a trick to try and get the U.S. as close to a Socialist country as possible."

Speaking as someone that can't even afford a car and sees other people driving Jaguars, I want that gap closed as soon as possible. Was it my fault that part of the reason I'm now poor was because my father a wealthy defense attorney decided to will all of his money to his third wife while I received nothing after his death yet my mother was married to him for over 30 years? I think not. Totally losing out on at least $500,000.00 that should have been yours by birthright and that you had been promised all your life by other relatives does have quite the effect on your psyche that others in the new social group that you find that circumstance has forced you to become a part of just can not relate to in any way. I gave up on their religion a long time ago after multiple lectures on the subject by college professors and my own father.

To be honest, sometimes Joe Dallesandro's character's comments regarding the wealthier classes in the Andy Warhol produced film Blood of Dracula does run through my head.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.