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General public Response: NARRR, Wii es teh Cazual Mackine. Grand teefft autro wii defineatley sellz horibles. wiis pius grand teeft autro eqauls penis.

Micheal Pacter: Due to the significant lead over it's closest competitors, and the fact that GTA IV has already sold 10 million units on HD platforms, known for their reduced profit margin, the combination of the one of the highest selling intellectual properties, coupled with the wii, which is currently the highest selling computer entertainment platform available in this generation, close to 50% of the marketshare, this ideal move is bound to sell more copies than Carnival games, and lead to an increased annual revenue for Take two and it's investors. Simply put, it is a smart move, and due to the fact that the wii is not an HD platform, they will not have to spend the immensive value of $100 million and still have an increased profit margin than GTA IV.

Nintendo fans: I'll accept any 3rd party support, even if i will never buy it. The wii is definately a change. The GC would have never even received a mention of a combination with GTA.