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Only 3rd party wii title to hit 100k in japan is Dragonball Z accoding to vg's dbase so far, but I think it's outdated (no offence ioi) Look at the list of Wii games released so far and tell me how many of them are for Japan's audience? Elebits is still technically an FPS game. Last time I checked, FPS and western games sold like crap there, which is a major chunk of the wii's library at this point, outside of Nintendo's own titles (Zelda was designed for the western crowd in mind, look at it's sales in comparison to NA). The 360 caters to a specific crowd, like it or not, mainly FPS, sports, racers, and now western rpg's. It has few eastern RPG's to coming up, but I expect them to sell worth crap, it's not the 360's target audience. Yes I'm saying that I expect Blue Dragon to do poorly, at worst as bad as Viva Pinata. I think Eternal Sonata will do about the same if not slightly better. Or then again maybe the 360 audience will be starved for an jrpg, who knows for sure, we're all guessing here. The 360 will always be ahead on those 4 categories, probably ahead of the PS3 as well. Those good titles for those genres are going to always sell very well, but when they vary outside of those genre's, sales suddenly drop substantially. The Wii's best strength is a "jack of all trades, but master of casual/nongamers". It will probably always be "second rate" for those serious genres, since it was not tailor made for it, and it's audience will be a wider variety of people with different tastes with substantially less focus than the 360/PS3. But because of that variety it will have a different selection of games and exclusives that the 360/PS3 won't, making it the "popular 2nd" console for those gamers. I don't see the 360 having any chance at a lion's share of the market, the console simply wasn't designed for that in mind, IMHO. And btw, comparing Red Steel to GRAW is like comparing a koopa troopa to bowser, it ain't right. ;) Would you really expect Red Steel, with it's bugs (no patches allowed) to do that much better on the 360? I enjoyed the game, but mainly because of the controller. I expect the 360 to get the most NA support, some mediocre support from europe, and only the occasional title from japan. I expect PS3 to get a medium level of support all around, but I don't see them holding onto a large share of developers anywhere like before. I expect the Wii to dominate in Japan, weak in NA's serious games (because of our gaming preferences) but strongest in casual/nongames, and doing mediocre in Europe as well. It would help if we could get consistent reviews on Wii games as well. :-/ Tiger Woods 07 (55-83) SSX Blur (52-85) Red Steel (40-75) Sonic (55-86) Elebits (51-85) Madden 07 (56-90) Excite Truck (60-90) Trauma Center (60-95) Rayman Raving Rabbids (50-90) Call of Duty 3 (30-96)

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.