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Wii could possibly get a graphically downgraded version of RE5, but there's no merit to think such a thing at this point. All you can do is hope the PS3 version bombs and Capcom is forced to recoup their loss of appeal to the Japanese market by making a Wii edition. You can hope that the success of RE4 Wii Edition and anticipated success of Umbrella Chronicles also paint the Wii as a good candidate for such a move.

Also remember, development for RE5 started with the PS3 and 360 in mind well before the dev stats for the Wii were out much ales the outcome of this generation was realized. It's possible now that they see how well the Wii is doing they'll consider a graphically toned down version for the White and Blue, but its a hard guess. Maybe Capcom is trying to encourage ninty to buy more RE exclusives like they did with the Gamecube by playing coiy.

Proud Owner Of: Wii, DS, PSP, Xbox 360 (Brother owns PS3 & PS2)

Things that have changed since the last Generation of Gaming:

- Nintendo has shown us you can have the best selling console of all time with virtually no games for it.

- Graphics suddenly matter to Sony fans but Reverse Compatibility and Dual shock oddly enough don’t.

- Kiddy Crap is trendy with Hardcore gamers now that it’s no longer Nintendo’s “thing” (Viva Piñata, Little Big Planet, Banjo Kazooie 3, LBP)

- Third Party Developers are now essentially the equivalent of Video Game street pimps.

- Gimmicks are no longer fads (Wii-mote)... Well, not all Gimmicks (PS-Eye)