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Sardauk said:
The Fury said:
c0rd said:
The Fury said:
Sardauk said:

Even then, Sony has something out of those technologies, Blu-Ray, if this is Sony's last game console gen then they can be in the knowledge that Blu-ray succeeded in the HD market. What does M$ have?


M$ wouldn't have gained anything directly, however you can say they've destroyed (or at least weakened) the Playstation brand . Many believe the threat of Sony's PS cutting into Microsoft is the reason they got into console gaming in the first place.

Now, I'm just confused. In what way was Playstation ever threat to M$?


No no, there is no such thing as destroying a brand.

Micrososft is focused on ditributing softwares/contents via the web and via XBOX Live. That is the strategy, what they consider the futur. Microsoft NEVER invented anything. It is a pure copy of the Apple model with the duo iPod/iTunes.

The strengh of MS is its grip on the PC market (Software and technologies) and the internet.

MS vs SOny ? -> This is the challenge between a software company and a technology company. It is about different business models.

This domination about the number of consoles sold is the wetdream of lifeless fanboys.

I'm pretty sure that MS can achieve better revenues with less consoles on the market. And THAT IS WHERE the question of the pricing cut becomes interesting.

IT KEEPS FUELING THE WAGER ! Not what it the best console, but who took the right track to the futur ??


See my point ? (Finally some intersting debat above that Fanboys shit which initiated this post).

So, your point is (and apologies if I get this wrong) is that in M$ trying to secure what they believe to be the future of computing is, and internet as a whole, in digital distribution. And they are willing to fuel out billions to establish a computer gaming console brand just to promote this. This is what they will have at the end of it, Sony has Blu-Ray and M$ has it's Digital equivilent? I Remember hearing about how M$ want to be a part of a family living room, to be the centre of it. Not just the computer in the corner. Sony themselves are trying to do the same, be the centre of the living room. They though being a hardware are doing it via hard blu-ray disc. Sony is getting in the way of M$'s plans.

Although, surely an issue with this is that the whole idea is being built of the back of the games console market that could fail. The gaming market is a niche to start with, so they had to enter that and succeed before trying to achieve their now main goal, Sony then get in the way with their Blu-Ray and the ever so dominant Playstation brand.

What was their original idea as I'm sure X-box was not designed solely to try and secure a market which at the time didn't even exist. X-box was a gaming console, right? this is what they lost billions on and their 2nd attempt is still a games console for the majority of the population, it's competing with the Wii not iTunes.

Microsft itself isn't fairing to well, if their goal if for digital distrubution and they aren't leading in the 2 places they wanted to (games and music download in Zune). Yes, their 'Live' is good and working well but if the 360 and X-box fails, what will use it?


... or did I mistake what you were getting at?




Hmm, pie.