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I'm not sure that I understand what you are trying to say (NOT trying to flame you); are you suggesting that MS should NOT lower the price of the box, or simply that lowering the price of the box will have no affect?

Clearly, recent sales history have shown that in "Others" the demand for the PS3 is far ahead of the 360. The demand for both is tepid in Japan, though again the PS3 has seen larger demand their as well. Demand in the Americas has been pretty close and I expect that the price cut here WILL affect that.

What I don't understand then is, what is MS to do? Maybe stop producing the box because demand world wide is less than the PS3? In my opinion, they are simply responding to a changing market place, just as Sony did when demand for the PS3 was lagging.

I can understand that some folks don't want MS to succeed; heck I owned all three systems last gen and wont pretend that I didn't have a favorite. I just wonder, if you were in charge of the 360 product line - what would your strategy include, if not lowering prices?