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Godot said:
pbroy said:
markers said:
i knew it wasnt going to be a great jrpg once i found out it was 15-20 hours (with minimal sidequests)

but oh well i bet its still worth a rent, atleast i am going to :]


Well duh, 1 DVD can't hold that much. The lack of Blu-ray held back it's potential, now the PS3 version will be gimped. u_u


That's bullshit. What held back its potential is the fact that the budget isn't big enough. GTAIV is massive and fits on one dvd.


Thank you Godot. It seems we have a fanboy on our hands. 


OT: The game obviously has some issues that most reviewers agree upon. That being said, I personally don't see this as being a terrible game. Some people will definitely like it, others won't. Worth a rental in my opinion.