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Infinite Undiscovery Review

Infinite Undiscovery feeds your need for narrative, but it’s ultimately a shallow, flawed experience.

The Good

  • Detailed character models and world architecture  
  • Characters and their stories are engaging  
  • Fast-paced battles with spiffy-looking special moves.

The Bad

  • Gameworld is lonely and bland  
  • Too much repetition  
  • Short and lacking in depth for an RPG.
Role-playing games strike a tricky balance between gameplay and narrative that is easy to take for granted when everything goes together correctly. Infinite Undiscovery is sadly an example of how flawed design and myriad imperfections can mar an otherwise enjoyable adventure. Square Enix manages to provide the frame of a role-playing game epic that falls short on execution.

Infinite Undiscovery has all the trappings of a mighty adventure, but it lacks the true soul. Some of that energy is siphoned off by a largely empty and repetitious world, some of it is drained by faulty scenario design, and much of it isn't allowed real depth because of the relatively short length. It's easy to grow fond of the characters and become involved in their plight, but the narrative is only one part of the whole.


I was expecting more of this game, since it was from Tri-Ace.