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It doesn't really matter if people want the game or not, all evidence points towards the game being ported sometime in the future to the 360 platform.

The Metal Gear Solid games aren't the best game play wise, but they are enjoyable and an asset to any console, and even if you don't like them you have to admit there are precious few things more exciting this generation than the possibility of the PS3 losing of one of the only two exclusives that core gamers really care about.

If nothing else, the strong possibility of a 360 port is keeping the incessant Metal Gear Solid 4 bragging by Sony Faithfuls down to a minimum.

Proud Owner Of: Wii, DS, PSP, Xbox 360 (Brother owns PS3 & PS2)

Things that have changed since the last Generation of Gaming:

- Nintendo has shown us you can have the best selling console of all time with virtually no games for it.

- Graphics suddenly matter to Sony fans but Reverse Compatibility and Dual shock oddly enough don’t.

- Kiddy Crap is trendy with Hardcore gamers now that it’s no longer Nintendo’s “thing” (Viva Piñata, Little Big Planet, Banjo Kazooie 3, LBP)

- Third Party Developers are now essentially the equivalent of Video Game street pimps.

- Gimmicks are no longer fads (Wii-mote)... Well, not all Gimmicks (PS-Eye)