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reason why the requirements for starcraft is very low,,,the game is 10YEARS OLD....

developing games for the medium Range systems NOW(not "medium" at release)= more people can PLAY THE DAMN GAME= higher sales=more profit


everquest 2
world of warcraft

everquest2 "future proofed" their engine so much so that the current high end machine- at release- could BARELY get more than 20fps in cities...the average machine was getting less than that- even at the lowest settings.

"now" current mainstream games do better, since the tech got better

world of warcraft- high end machines played wow great
main stream machines palyed wow great
low end played wow good

on "all" machines wow was a mmo that could be played- i've played wow on a machine with an nvidia 4200 card...(newer card burned out-replacement was on order) i PLAY wow on a notebook with an ati 9700 video card(saturdays while the wife is at work- i am in living room with the kids)

wow currently- in the us only- has at least 7x the population of eq2...