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when The tv commercial doesn't show live gameplay  *cough* mercs 2
when its been in production for more than 10 years *ah ah choo human*
when x-play dedicates an episode to it *what is that now madden ? 25 sequels??*
when its overhyped *you HEAR THAT gears??*
when sqaure enix releases it on a handheld  *F-ing FF tactics!*
when its based on a celebrity *jackie chan !!! well at least he didn't get shot nine times*
when sixaxis is concentrated on * i cant think of a game !! im not lying! im not a LAIR*
when it involves a motion controler or a board to step on * go outside and move, sign up at the YMCA* 
kitler53 " when several reviewers give it a 10/10
kyliedog "When it is released this gen.
pichu_pichu "when it's not my kind of game
seraphic_sixaxis "When you see a Big yellow and black Drone Helment on the cover. Also.. when you see a Final Fantasy Covery Fused with a Tecmo Cover La, La, La...
PDF "When its not realeased on the PS3
TheTruthHurts! " When its not released on X360.
jo21 " when you require an accesory or gimmick to play it.
forevercloud3000 "when the game completely rips off the title of another more popular game...
forevercloud3000 "when a game starts out exclusive to a particular console and then decides to go multiplatform at the last minute.
forevercloud3000 " when the plot is completely discernable in the first 20 minutes...
cough*dagoneer's aria*cough, cough, cough, HACK! HACK! HackOUGH! sry guys, got some mediocrity stuck in my throat...
cougarman " when the guy who reviews it gets fired
cougarman "when the dev says it will be the best game ever
cougarman "when it tries to be a (insert game) killer
ecurbj " when absolutely, just drop the controller with discuss and ask why did you think about investing your 1 minute of life with this piece of shitty
twilit " When its made by Ubisoft and ends with a z.
psrock "When the game goes from multiplatform to PS3 exclusive.
blazinhead89 " When developer disses other games in its genre to big up their own, cough, Itagaki,Cough
VLAD321 "When it doesn't have mouse support on the PC.
VLAD321 "When extreme precision is required with the D-pad.
VLAD321  "When you've entered the 4th room that looks exactly like the 3 previous ones and you have yet to do anythign other than walking.
DeadNotSleeping "When there isn't a T or an M in the rating.
Beja_Beja "when it pays you to play it
Beja_Beja "when it is only pretending to be a game.
str8knox " When you don't have a life a life and suck Kaz Hirai at every shot you get. *cough Playstation fanboyscough*
jerseyboy69 "when it is developed by Data Design Interactive *cough ninjabread man wii cough*

plz feel free to post more