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The PS3 is probably the only system with a shot. It still has the brand name in Japan and Europe that Microsoft will never come close to in Video Games. It would need a long lispan (though a 10 year lifecycle like some have been saying is a little rediculous). If it has a 1 or 2 year longer lifespan than the Wii (which is reasonable) than possibly it could come close to, or even surprass, Wii numbers eventually. Once the Wii 2 and Next X-Box come out the PS3 could be $200, or even less, and dominating game sales in all markets.

Now do I believe this will happen. Probably not. I do think at some point towards the latter part of this gen and into the next the PS3 will be the top selling weekly/monthly system worldwide (expecially if Blue Ray wins which is looking more and more likely), but I don't it'll make up that gap with the Wii.