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I think that are more searches simply because there are more Xbox users, and if it wasnt this kind of data is highly unreliable. This study did not find out how many searches there were for top selling and top ranked games for those systems and I personally didnt do any xbox 360, wii or ps3 searches when i was researching my system. I went to sites like gamespot gamerankings and different store sites and etc. I also wonder whether this study was done only for American websites and not European or Japanese websites.

Plus, I would like to point out that 360 which currently has the lead on being searched on the internet still makes up only .0054% and wii is at .0047%. Both of these percentages are extremely small and are pretty dam close to each other, which supports my theory that these searches are mostly done by current users.

Proud owner of the following gaming devices:

PC, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PS3