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Soriku said:
Sephiroth357 said:
This really is weird.Here I thought Disney wouldn't support Sony...



Disney has always been supporting Sony. Ever herd of Blu-ray? Ever heard of Singstar (the new Disney one for the PS2...)? Ever heard of KH1 and KH2? I'd say they've been supporting Sony.

But they've also supported other companies. They have their movies on XBL. They've also had soem DLC for MS IIRC so they've supported MS as well.

As for Nintendo...self-explanitory. Look at how much they're raking in with the Wii and DS, announcing more games for them, even set up an exclusive Wii/DS studio (Fall Line Studios).

They've supported EVERY company. EVERYONE. Our point is when we argue about KH is that they rake in the most money from the Wii and DS, and hence mention them more than Sony/MS. They've had moderate success with MS and Sony. They still get a lot of money from DVD movies obviously. In terms of their games division (Buena Vista Games, that helped make the KH games) they've made the Wii and DS their prime platforms for this gen. Heck, they announced a new Wii exclusive game with Donald, Goofy, and Mickey just a few days ago... X_X

But forget KH in this thread...

This is cool :) LBP + Disney = perfect fit. It needs some animated movies like Toy Story and Monsters Inc.


They don't put all their movies on BluRay, or at least they didn't with Sword in the Stone.  ;_;