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MikeB said:
@ vlad321

unparalleled control

Maybe when using Linux but I don't quite agree. Windows locks out and hides too much control from the power user (MacOS is no better). If just one critical file is corrupt, For instance some months ago I was forced into a complete Windows reinstall, while in the past I would just boot up my OS from CD and replace the file manually.


    OSX is loads better if you know what you're doing (and if you don't you shouldn't be messing with important things anyway).  If you know what you're doing you can use Terminal and many other programs in the utility folder to directly interface with the UNIX kernel.  You can use the root directory, change file can do just about anything just like Linux.  Yes the normal OS is not as open (but its also much more stable, the trade off), but for power users there is MORE then enough to do.  You can in fact use any Linux program on OSX if you know how to do the permissions and installs correctly, OSX can use any UNIX program just fine with the right approach.  I use a UNIX UPnP media server program to interface with my PS3 for instance and it works great.  The OSX as a closed system thats not easily modified is a myth, that's Vista you're thinking of.

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