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No single company is going to "win" this generation of videogames, any more than a car company "wins" by producing the most cars. (For decades, GM was the biggest producer... didn't do them a bit of good.) The days when a Nintendo could single-handedly generate 70% of all global videogame sales (late 1980s) are gone forever. The PS2 was the last console in history to achieve something like hegemony, and even its reign had more holes than Swiss cheese (huge PC market, respectable sales of GC and Xbox, Nintendo dominated handhelds, etc.).

Game-capable cellphone sales are exploding. Consoles can't touch that. Online games are exploding. Consoles can't touch that. Consoles themselves are more diverse than ever before, ranging from $129 to $169 to $250 to $399 to $499, which means their sales can't really be compared. Each appeals to a vastly different audience and market.