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Nonquihote said:
steven787 said:
What I don't understand is why Sony and MS fanboys get so upset at the Wii's success.

 Why do nintendo fanboys get so upseat when any one mentions Wiis games are GC looking and most 3rd party support is old ports and mediocre mini/party games ? Even nintendos own games have all been mediocre or GC ports, the first legit "wii" games will be Metroid, Galaxy or SSBM. 

 Apperantly neither sides takes legit criticism very well.

Nintendo fans aren't upset. The Wii is doing about 20x better than the gamecube in terms of gaming variety and number of games. Of course, for some people, this STILL isn't good enough, because Nintendo doesn't give away gold bars with the Wii.

The Wii caught 3rd parties off guard, because they assumed (LIKE MOST PEOPLE DID, MIND YOU) that the Wii was just going to be in last place, because Nintendo consoles have been in last place for 10 years.