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DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
Too Human was an unhyped game that only got noticed when Sony fans heard some early previews that were poor and wanted a game to compare to Lair.

The game did not sell well, but it did not (by any non-Sony-fanboy standards) flop.

I could say the same for Haze then... right?

It only got recognition when horrible previews came out.

Most users on this site that were smart stoppeed thinking of this game about December after IGNs preview came out and the game was delayed.  But Too Human was hyped right up through July, when the bad previews started rolling in, then all the 360 fanboys started to say "ZOMG it wasn't hyped".  And still are, if I read your post correctly.

The truth is, this game was hyped, up until launch, with speculation of 4 million lifetime and a first day of 500k from some 360 owner.

As much as you and the 360 fanbase would like to compare this to Haze, it's a horrible comparison.


Here's why.

Haze was a regular feature in the PS3 "list" thrown around whenever an Xbox 360 or Wii owner said the PS3 had no games.  It was in this list from the moment it was announced exclusive by Sony and Ubisoft, along with various utterances about Free Radical and Goldeneye.

Haze was something to be lauded by PS3 fanboys and feared by Xbox 360 owners, and this turned when it was realised it would be the sort of game that would end up on 55 on Metacritic.

Too Human was originally hyped at the 2005 (6?) E3 by Microsoft, and after a poor showing was ignored by gamers at large.  Shortly after the Haze fiasco there was a definite increase in attention paid to Too Human, but not (with the possible exception of yourself) by 360 owners.  This only intensified after the defection of FFXIII.  That was far more telling than the rantings of "some 360 owner."  Indeed, the main reason this game is a horrible comparison to Haze is that this game is significantly better

Of course, more than anything else, the real reason your post is complete and utter fail is that I DIDNT MENTION HAZE ANYWHERE!!!

You've been arguing with a ghost


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS