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Nonquihote said:
steven787 said:
What I don't understand is why Sony and MS fanboys get so upset at the Wii's success.

 Why do nintendo fanboys get so upseat when any one mentions Wiis games are GC looking and most 3rd party support is old ports and mediocre mini/party games ? Even nintendos own games have all been mediocre or GC ports, the first legit "wii" games will be Metroid, Galaxy or SSBM. 

 Apperantly neither sides takes legit criticism very well.



I could understand it if it were like other "console wars".  But it's not, there is plenty of room for all three (or atleast two):

1. More people are gaming.  Not just in existing markets, new markets are opening up or expanding.(i.e. nongamers and whole regions).

2. Nintendo Wii is not a HD console (I know, I know,  I was shocked when I found out too).  Some people buy games because of the way they look.

3. There are still people, and will be people, that like to play with buttons.

4. By Nintendo not going HD, Sony and MS have the ability to wait to release new consoles.  If Nintendo does come out with an early successor, it will likely only be slightly more powerful (like upped resolutions, texture features).

I am a big Nintendo Fan, that owns multiple consoles.  I am not the type to be upset when someone else succeeds (I mean in real life) and it kinda plays out in this generation.  Their is a strong possibility that all three could be profitable next year.  Unless MS and Sony keep up the Money Fight. (some one photoshop a pic for that )

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.