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I don't think hardcore games are what's going to keep the Wii ball rolling. I think Casual games will and that is what Nintendo is going to do with Wii Fit. Casuals are fickle and it only takes ONE title to keep them going for a while. Most casuals refer to Wii as a game, not a game console, and the game they mean is Wii Sports. That is all Wii is to them, Wii Sports. They paid $250 for Wii Sports. Many more will pay $250 for Wii Fit. It's just the way the Mass Market works. Wii Sports (and to a lesser extent Wii Play) has pretty much fueled the Wii craze for almost a year.

Nintendo's heart though is with gamers. That is why you are seeing Smash Brothers, Mario Galaxy, Metroid 3, Zelda, Batallion Wars 2, etc all in a year's time. Nintendo doesn't have to work hard to make a casual game, but they are spending most of their time, what? Drinking coffee and eating donuts? NO. making hardcore games like the above.

Nintendo announce one new Casual game at E3 and everyone gets into an uproar. ONE. Why only one? Because that is all it takes for casuals. Everything else, is YOURS, hardcore gamer! Feeding Casual Gamers only requires a single simple fun title every once in a while, but hardcore gamers require many very complex and deep games to keep them focused. But Casual games is where the sales are! Easy money. Then the hardcores can be taken care of later. Sales => games. Casuals => hardcore. Get it?

The problem is is that one or two simple games get REALLY popular thanks to Casuals eating it up and everyone thinks that that's all there is and simple is the wave of the future based on the popularity of one game. No, they are just feeding the flock is all. You'll get yours, but spoiled brat gamers have to have 100 titles tailored to them for every 1 title that everyone else in the world gets, otherwise they feel cheated. Nobody's taking your ball, everyone else is just finally getting one of their own.