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the wii might burn out for the casuals and it needs to appeal to its base of ninty fan boys. why is the wii a success? the wii fanboys hyped it like mad (o and it appeals to non gamers but that is minor). nintendo needs to keep up the casual side, but in all seriousness the wii will fade if it doesnt keep the ninty fans happy.

i can see it going strong even through this year (it will almost for sure) and fade later. no one has any idea about the end of this generation since we dont know about casuals and consoles. before they have always gone with the winner since it has casual software at the middle to end of the cycle. invoking casuals at the beginning is an unknown strategy. also we dont really know the power of sequels to casuals. they might go with the wii or they might wait till the ps3 is a better price. the casual is the most unknown group in the gaming industry and we're seeing a most unusual generation of machines.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.