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ArtofAngels said:
Shambolic said:
On the point of what distracts you from a game, I don't know whether this is true of anyone else but I find I can actually get distracted from completing a game by the game itself.

I mean, on a game such as one of the Final Fantasy series, before I go into the last area where the final showdown takes place, I take some time to complete sidequests, get armour and weapons, maybe level up a bit. After a while I get a bit bored by this, some sidequests get rather dull, especially the collect x number of objects, and put the game down for a bit and end up forgetting about it.

I like to complete the game fully but sometimes it's just a bit boring doing that.

Exactly, good point.

Perfect example for me is FF XII, I got up to the last boss, but before fighting I went around finishing all the quests and I got bored doing so and gave up on the game as a whole.

 Ah, Oblivion syndrome or more like Elder Scrolls syndrome. Of the 10-12 people I know who played it, only 2 actually beat it. The others just went around doing side things and eventually stopped playing. I have left games including RPGs for up to 2-3 years before, but it's much more common to just take a few months long breaks. I tend to end up playing about 5 games at a time. It also takes me a little while to get back into games and remember what's going on if I take more than a month or two break.