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megaman2 said:

it has to do with the games, the momentume the ps3 is on. As we have been seeing the credit crunch has not affected games sales, infact gaming revenue keeps on increasing!


Software sells systems ... that is true. But the biggest titles that everyone pointed to -- GTA IV, GT5p, MGS4 -- only provided momentary if any sales lifts.  And many of the anticiapted titles have left players wanting recently.

Also, for those who have been critical of people coming in and talking about other consoles, sometimes that is relavent. After all, the PS3 does not exist in a vacuum and people are usually making a decison as to which one to buy.  Some comments though can by annoying, like when someone comes into a thread who does not own a system being discussed or the game being discussed just to carp and not to have intellectual discussions -- and those who do that know who they are and some of them are on this thread. (Full disclosure, own a Wii, PS2 and Xbox -- no PS3 and Xbox 360. But I try to pose questions to think through things, not to make people upset).


Mike from Morgantown




I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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