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Fact of the matter is... Too Human was the product of negative hype. Started with showing off the game way too early. Not to mention even telling about the game so many years ago. For developer's it's like an automatic coffin for anything. Silicon Knights fucked that up. They gave it this long delays... showed it off only to get into trouble wiht an engine and going into legal trouble. Also had to rework it considering it was said to be terrible at first. I mean this is what killed the title. And when you get too much negative hype behind a game... especially if its a core game.. it's not going to end pretty. It's what happened to Haze.

Hopefully Silicon Knights will better manage their next title so that it'll see larger success.

As for the rest of the charts not bad Madden sales but can't help but think that it's been better in the past. Rest of the sales seem to be steady for the titles staying steady. Will be an interesting week next week with Tiger, Sluggers, and Vesperia. Tiger on Wii should be really interesting considering the mainstream success of the last title and that good reviews for this one to draw in the core. Could open larger than usual. Sluggers should open to a decent 100k-150k and probably build off legs til the holidays. Vesperia is a hit or miss considering Symphonia has been the only successful Tales title I know of in America.