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Turn the brightness down (which I do for the DS) and avoid using UMDs. I always take the DS power adapter on trips, so nothing would change. The DS battery has a way of dying otherwise unless you simply don't use the thing.

But three years later, the decision to go with a proprietary optical format for a portable still seems like the worst flaw of the PSP. Moving parts in general for a hand held gaming device is not the best design.

I'd much rather have all my games and video media on one 8GB memory stick for travel rather than carry a bunch of game cards or cartridge discs.

I'm still buying a PSP-3000. The screen looks a lot better regardless of any negative spin. It's unfortunate that the extra brightness and clarity comes at the cost of battery power though.

I'm wondering if the rate of power consumption is similar to the PSP-2001 when set to the same brightness. I wouldn't be surprised if it were.

If it's really an issue, 2400mAh batteries are readily available from 3rd party vendors.