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Dgc1808 said:
xman said:
megaman2 said:

There are some great times ahead for the Playstation 3 and it's owners. The PS3 has a great future ahead, having just breached the elusive 15m mark, I expect the ps3 total at the end of 2008 to be between 22m - 25m. With christmas playing a huge factor.

With the introduction of the 160gb PS3 model in October, I expect sales to spike and maintain its course up to christmas. Along with great games such as Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2, Socom Confrontation, Tekken 6, and Littlebigplanet! The ps3 will become the consumer choice, having already established a strong base in Europe, and with the various bunndles being released in the next few months, along with the great games. The consumer base in Europe will expand greatly.

Also including Home, which may be released this year. Will create much consumer interest and could potentially be a system seller. Also on the horizon is Play tv, which allows consumers to watch many tv programes they can record, rewind or store any programe on their Ps3 hard drive. This product is quite familiar to (sky+) and I must admive im very excite of the idea of being able to record tv programmes/movies and its free of charge. This will also create much consumer interest making the ps3 the all around entertainment system. Whether it being blcokbuster games, Play tv or Blu ray movies. If marketed well Play tv can become a system seller, already atracting much interest here in the Uk for people who wish to switch to digital. Play Tv will become essential.

The steady growth of the PSN nework and store. The PSN nework and store have undergone many changes and updated. With recent inclusion of the video service in the US, and Sony Computer Online releasing many full games online and not forgetting the steady improvement of the Psn network which is constantly improving and the PSN network is free of charge, essential for users who play online once in a while.

With the recent announcements of a new music service which will allow users to watch music videos or store them on their harddrive. Or for a small charge can download ringtones to their phones via bluetooth. Also the new announcement of Disney Singstar which will be aimed at the family and kids, being able to relive some of the best disney songs or the Eyepet, which is aimed at more casual gamers. And the icing on the cake is the inclusion of Micheal jackson in Singstar, what more could you ask for!

The 10 year lifecycle of the ps3 now seems very much possible, with the growing comunnication between the ps3 and the psp makes the ps3 essential, I really feel us PS3 owners are in for a treat with great times ahead, Jump in!

The same could be send for the 360 we are at over 20 million and with christams we could be at 23-26 million

With the intrduction of the price cut on all 360 models and Fable 2, GOW2, Castle Crashers and Braid the connsumer base should explode

360 has a Major LIVE update coming in November its a complete re write that adds avatars and an enitre slick new interface

360 just signed a major deal with netflix which allows it a library of over 20,000 more movies, added to there live, movies and games

The live aracde has had some huge hits lately, Castle crashers and braid just coming out and being stellar games

360 has media center compatability were you can stream music and pictures from yourn computer to your 360.

Not trying to rain on your parade but 360 is also improving and someone could put a thread togther for wii






I smell a new thread coming on...

loll i dont think so