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Hey Riot, I notice you frequently will play one match and then disconnect... is there a reason for that?


twilit said:
@ WoW; Kinda late but thanks. Meta was my first secondary actually but I just recently decided to pick him up again. I made a horrible oopsies tough screwing up my reverse Shuttle Loop, but ah well.

Lucky for me.  Not enough people use Metaknight around here so I've gotten sloppy in my XYZ character VS Metaknight match ups.  It doesn't help that Metaknight can fairly easily neutralize Pikachu's best approach.

-Dash-Myoku- said:
luinil said:
Those first two matches were crap. I got killed by very stupid things, and should not have died in the first match so easily. The second match... stupid random stage. But that won't happen on random again. Your Ike is good, a close second to Iclim4's Ike.

Iclim, you had better watch your back or Dash here will take you out of top Ike on VGC... Just have your friends watch your back for you since you fight for them. :P

You had a string of back luck. Did you even win a match? I can't remember. x.x

And...I dunno about all that. iclim is pretty damn good with Ike. I've only won once...maybe twice against him. >.>

iclim4 put a lot of time into Ike when he, Riot, and I first started playing Brawl and it definitely shows.  ^_^