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Kwaad said: Death2009 said: Kwaad said: I just wanna point out a Wii could be sold for 100$ with minimal losses... ;) A PS3 will cost less than 150$ to make before the PS4 comes out. I promise. The PS4 will have 4-8x more power than a PS3. ;) I doubt all 3. I think the PS4 will be half the PS3's power..if that. Ummm... A PS2 6 years ago. (when they first came out) cost around 350$ to make. Sold them for 300$. Today Sony makes a PS2 for around 50$. And sells them for 125$. In 6 years, if sony made a PS4 have half the power of a PS3... it could cost them around 50$ to make. Death - You obviously dont know about how chip prices half every 18months. 600/300/150/75$ 1.5/3/4.5/6 In 6 years the PS3 will cost Sony roughly 75-100$ EDIT: I also wanna say the Wii is about 20-30% the power of a PS3. You say you doubt the Wii could be sold for 100$ with minimal losses? CPU - 15$ GPU - 15$ DVD - 9$ (it's a noisy cheapo) buttons/fans/case - 25$ nunchuck/wiimote - 20$ 15+15+9+25+20 = 84$ EDIT2: My CPU/GPU is probibally 30 combined total, low. I'd say total it costs ~115$[/quote] Try to remember that if it costs 158 to make they will sell it wholesale to the stores for more than that, and the stores will sell it to you even higher. But I will have to double and triple check your statement.