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luinil said:
O.O Really? I mean REALLY!!!???? I didn't know he would unite me with my already fellow Americans. I thought we were united by our nationality already. I guess I missed that memo...

So he can really unite the country even if he is so divisive on the religious and racial issues? Obama is the one bringing up race every chance he gets, the Republicans won't touch that with a 20 ft pole. Obama is the one who has FRIENDLY ties to known and unrepentant terrorists. He can bring the America haters and America supports together? Really? Cool, I want to see him do it before I cast my vote.

So you also agree that Obama was sent by God? Sounds like you listen to the Hollow-eyed hippy Nancy Pelosi. That in itself is moronic. If you believe in the same God that I do and Barrack claims to, then you should know that his voting record on botched abortions (where the baby survived) are nothing less than supporting murder of infants. A man who supports murder of innocent unprotected life is not fit to receive my vote.

IF anybody really wants change, throw your bum of a Congressman out and put an ENTIRELY new Congress in this November, that should change things up. If anyone wants to unite the country, (s)he must support that country's values and call everyone to him/her as a statesman would, not as a pandering politician.

This is the second worst thing I have ever bothered to read.


As in go buy us some coffee.