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ckmlb: This is a situation of damned if you do, less damned if you don't. Of course Nintendo will not always act in the best interest of their customers. In this case, regardless of the stock they put out now, it will have been completely sold off by holidays.

The problem lies in this: A holiday sale is more valuable than a sale now because it is much more of a denial of sales to the 360 or the PS3 than it would be now. I say this for a few reasons now. Look at sales now - neither the PS3 or 360 poses any kind of challenge to the wii ratio wise. However, around holidays, when sales pick up for all consoles, that increased sales will lower the ratio disparity, and mean the chances of someone not being able to find a wii and therefore buying a ps3 or 360 are increased. If Nintendo releases extra stock then, this will help to lower the effect of this problem, though obviously not completely.

"Suck on it" -vgchartz mod