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Del Toro's movie, Pan's Labryinth is a fairy-tale that takes place in a more modern setting. I think it's only natural that he'd gravitate toward games with a similar theme like Ico or SoTC. SotC sort of mirrors Pan's Labryinth in that, the ending gives you mixed emotions about how everything resolves itself.


But yeah, it's all subjective. I think what was so great about SoTC was that it had an otherworldly feel to it and made you wonder about about The Forbidden Land, who these characters were, and what the hell you were going to fight next. But if you didn't get caught up in the 'mystery', then my guess is it won't do anything for you and just seem repetitive.

Some games are bad, some games are good, and some, the really great ones, have you thinking about them long after they are finished.

Obi-Wan: I felt a great disturbance in the Industry, as if millions of fanboys suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.