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windbane said:

Hum...let me game you "play" a game you do exercises...let me see which one hardcore videogame players will like more...

Guitar Hero is called casual, I'm not sure who hasn't called it that.  No one is shying away from casual as long as there are actual gameplay elements that are challenging in the game, and Guitar Hero more than provides that.

However, ckmlb, DDR is a videogame.  It is not dancing.  I can't dance at all but I can sure play DDR.  It's just a rhythm game for your legs. 

I think we essentially agree.

Some people will call GH casual and some won't but everybody calls Wii Fit casual and I think it's this basic hypocrisy by a chunk of the gaming populace that I'm trying to address. Wii Fit being criticised for being casual by some is just one of the many symptoms shown by a number of gamers who are screaming doom for the industry and just generally scaremongering in regards to companies like Nintendo diversiying the type of games it releases .

In reality of course the source of this hostility is the result of N not catering exclusively to their tastes and rather than just accepting that the the same demographic of people will not have the industry focussed solely on them any more they try to disparage the new types of games which are emerging, labelling them 'non-games' or 'casual' whilst having GH or DDR sitting snugly in their 'hardcore' collection.

It's not that I'm questioning why the average gamer likes GH it's why he/she has to knock Wii Fit and other games like it just because it wasn't aimed specifically at him/her.

People need to grow up.

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.