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I wouldn't go that far, i think that the PS3 is "the hardest" but it is not near hard as it was on the PS2 or the Champion of all: The Saturn...

PS3 uses C, C++ and OpenGL as base, that 2 are well known tools, 360 uses the XNA based on .NET and DirectX, well known tools too, and a bit easier, Wii uses C and C++ with some libraries for the Wiimote... The hard thing (for all of them) is to do games that take full advantage (or at least most of it) of the hardware in question...

Saturn was definitely hard, every actual console and computer (and previous consoles with 3d engine) use as the primitive for graphics the triangles, well, the Saturn used quadrilaterals (which had advantages in 2D mostly, but in 3d was a real pain). The use of the two CPUs was royally difficult because of the lousy memory access, they didn't bring a decent library so everything was programmed in assembly, etc., i'll bet 10 to 1 to any developer to prove that the PS3 is harder than the Saturn...