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Biggerboat said:
ckmlb said:

1)From what I've seen from Wii Fit footage each excercise/routine introduces some form of challenge, whether it's maintaining balance, timing jumps ,sihting weight etc.  It's much like a physical Brain Traing or BBA.

2)But aren't you getting the cues from the game? I really don't get what you're saying.

3)So you are saying sports simulation games aren't traditional, I disagree. Also going by your logic if one person is playing Gran Turismo with a control pad and the other a racing wheel the first is playing a traditioanl video game and the other is not, even though it's the same piece of software??

4)So you think some DDR owners are dancing on their mat without the tv or system switched on? Both games are pointless when turned off, not just Wii Sports.

5) If the points/scores/visuals are not the point why aren't people just buying karaoke machines or singing in the shower? From what you're saying about Singstar and DDR is true why are people buying them? Could it be the challenges/scores/points are what attracts the consumer to the product in the first place?

1) When you set a certain amount of calories you want to burn in a given work out does that make it a game? If you are doing certain yoga routines as instructed by Wii Fit is that a game? It's the same as doing exercise according to a taped instructor or something.

2) You are getting the cues from the game but that isn't necessary to the game. You can do the same thing if someone just instructed you where to step or some kind of other audio or visual thing told you what to do next. It's like being instructed on how to carry out steps. It's a game but not a video game. It's a game with a software that improves the experience not is the experience.

3) Waving a wiimote and having your motion mimiced in a game is not the same as turning a wheel and having the game car go the way you tell it to. The wheel is just a fancy controller for input, the Wii mote is a motion sensor for a game like Wii Sports meaning it is inputting your physical movements and not control inputs. Why is it a problem if it's not traditional anyway? It's a new type of game. You can't tell me you honestly think a Wheel controller and a motion sensing remote are the same thing.

4) DDR is supposed to be 'dancing' by telling you what to do. You don't need the game to do the activities. You can just do it on your own if you wanted to. I'm not saying people would rather do it without any additional fun to the experience. The point is the DDR software might be what makes the activity fun but it isn't the focus of the activity itself. You don't need DDR or Singstar to do it, it's just better with them because there are clearer objectives and ways to measure them and score them. They are both games with set objectives and such just not video games where the main activity is occuring in the game or on the screen or what have you.

5) Check 4. I didn't say it doesn't add to the experience. In fact I said exactly what you are in that it adds to the experience but it isn't the core of the experience itself. The games are just a layer added to the main game which is what you are doing (singing or dancing).

Also I'm positive more people actually dance without DDR and more people sing in the shower and at karaokes than when using these games but it's not easy to come up with a statistic for that :) but I'm sure you agree.

DDR basically is the same as a radio and dance instructor in one and Singstar is turning your PS2 into a Karaoke machine. Neither of them are necessary to do what you are doing but they add something to the experience. This is why I consider them games but not video games.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!