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1. They've been making money on each console sold since Christmas last year. isuppli (the one that gave the prices of each next-gen console Nov last year) had the systems at $175 (Wii), $325 (X360 prem), and $750 (PS3 Prem) respectively.

2. As far as everyone can tell, it's across the board: Core, Prem and Elite

3. Nintendo could, but they aren't in a position that they need to: The Wii is still outselling a cheaper PS3 and X360 combined (barely). Why lower your price when almost every unit is sold out? That makes bad marketing sence. Nintendo will drop the price *only* as early as late next year and only if the PS3/X360 are doing better, and the Wii doing worse, than they are right now.

As long as the Wii is selling ~50k units/wk in the US and Japan, the Wii never should, or would get a pricedrop. They're making too much money to do anything outside of that.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.