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Lawl! Well played gentlmen, well played. Do you ever get the feeling some Diehards never did that well in History Class or is it just me? Let's review some Metal Gear History!

Metal Gear Solid 2
- Hideo Kojima said it would be the last Metal Gear.
- Hideo Kojima said if another sequel was made, it wouldn't be directed by him.
- Hideo Kojima said it would only ever be on a Sony Platform.

Metal Gear Solid 3
- Hideo Kojima said it would be the last Metal Gear.
- Hideo Kojima said if another sequel was made, it wouldn't be directed by him.
- Hideo Kojima said it would only ever be on a Sony Platform.

Metal Gear Solid 4
- Hideo Kojima said it would be the last Metal Gear.
- Hideo Kojima said if another sequel was made, it wouldn't be directed by him.
- Hideo Kojima said it would only be on a Sony Platform (with a new twist this time) and that it simply can't be done on anything else.

history aside though, lets look at other annoying factors that some of us would just like to pretend aren't there.

Konami's Presdient says they need to make back the money put into developing MGS4 because the PS3 won't make it back for them no matter how well it does. I guess most of you think they're going to hold a charity auction or something instead of porting the game, LOL!

The Official Metal Gear Solid Pod Cast coped to Hideo admitting behind the scenes his masterpiece could have easily been done on the 360 (oh that rascal) and also made mention of bolstering his artistic control over the next MGS, which Hideo said there wasn't going to be and which he also said he wouldn't be directing. Oh Hideo! You're the King of just too much! Oh you!

But what am I sayin? Here I am taking everything so serious when this thread was only ever meant for a good chuckle. I swear, you can always count on me to ruin a good party. After all it's not like this topic was a thinly veiled excuse for Sony Hardcores to laugh away their insecurities about a possible 360 version hoping that by kidding each other it could never happen that it somehow won't. Ah, but there I go rambling again, I swear, what do I know. You guys gotta have patience with me, I am a N00b after all. *knocks on head*

Proud Owner Of: Wii, DS, PSP, Xbox 360 (Brother owns PS3 & PS2)

Things that have changed since the last Generation of Gaming:

- Nintendo has shown us you can have the best selling console of all time with virtually no games for it.

- Graphics suddenly matter to Sony fans but Reverse Compatibility and Dual shock oddly enough don’t.

- Kiddy Crap is trendy with Hardcore gamers now that it’s no longer Nintendo’s “thing” (Viva Piñata, Little Big Planet, Banjo Kazooie 3, LBP)

- Third Party Developers are now essentially the equivalent of Video Game street pimps.

- Gimmicks are no longer fads (Wii-mote)... Well, not all Gimmicks (PS-Eye)